Meet the Team Mondays – Zoe: Call Agent

Meet the Team Mondays Zoe: Call Agent


Zoe Kevern


Call Agent

How long have you worked at Kernow?

Just over a year.

What do you like about working at Kernow?

Working with lovely people and feeling like part of a team.

Favourite Quote 

“Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water.” Bruce Lee

Favourite Book 

There are far too many to choose from.

If you could remove one food from the planet, what would it be? And why?

Avocado, it’s dull in flavour, and the texture creeps me out.

Your guilty pleasure song?

Justin Bieber -one less lonely girl. (Don’t judge me.)

What would you take with you to a desert Island?

An endless supply of pizzas, an oven and my phone.

Top 5 people, alive or dead, you would invite to a dinner party? 

Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson, Brian Johnson, Chris Hemsworth and Bon Scott.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pizza orrrr maybe a lasagne or a roast or Pasta, it’s too hard to choose I could go on forever.

What’s a topic you wish you knew more about?

Languages, it would be super cool to be fluent in different languages.

Tell me your best joke. 

A man walks into a bar with a giraffe and a lion, but the lion kills the giraffe.

When they went to leave, the barman said, “you can’t leave that lyin’ there”.

The man responds, “that’s not a lion that’s a giraffe”

Meet the Team Mondays – Sam: Call Agent

Meet the Team Mondays – Sam: Call Agent


Sam Lean


Call Agent

How long have you worked at Kernow?

Been here for 6 months.

What do you like about working at Kernow? 

The team are fantastic and it’s very flexible hours.

What’s the most exciting part of your job?

Taking all sorts of calls and speaking to different people. Also, I’m a bit of a geek so I love learning the way our system works.

Favourite Quote 

“If you can’t love yourself, How in the hell you gonna love somebody else??” – RuPaul

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I love to dance, gaming, walking the dog and I also enjoy fixing technology.

If you could remove one food from the planet what would it be? And why?

Sprouts! my family always put them on my plate at Christmas time!

What’s your secret party trick? 

I can curl my tongue

What would you take with you to a desert Island?

Matches, Towel, Sun cream

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Spaghetti Bolognaise

What were your 15 minutes of fame?

I performed at a festival once dressed up in Drag! it was such fun!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?


How Kernow Vets Messaging can help your vet practice provide out-of-hours cover.

How kernow vets messaging can you cover out-of-hours calls
How can Kernow Vet Messaging help your vet practice provide out-of-hours cover?

Owners love their pets dearly, and often one of their biggest concerns is how they will access veterinary care outside of normal opening hours. As such, it is important that vet practices have a clear and reliable out-of-hours process for their clients.

Why do you need to provide an out-of-hours service?

In the UK, it is a legal requirement for all veterinary clinics to provide an emergency or ‘out-of-hours’ service. This can either be through providing the cover themselves, teaming up with other local practices, or by working with dedicated emergency out-of-hours vets.

The RCVS Code of Professional Conduct states that all veterinary surgeons in practice must take steps to provide 24-hour emergency first aid and pain relief to animals according to their skills and the specific situation.

Veterinary surgeons in practice are required to take steps to provide 24-hour emergency cover. This does not mean that veterinary surgeons must personally provide the service and they are not expected to remain constantly on duty. They are, however, required to ensure that when off duty, or when otherwise unable to provide the service, clients are directed to another appropriate service.

Using an emergency vet practice to cover out-of-hours care

The benefits of using an outsourced emergency practice for your out-of-hours care is that you don’t have to provide veterinary staff to cover from your own practice. If you are a small practice, this is particularly useful as there may not be enough vets to cover out-of-hours care without overworking all the veterinary team.

However, your customers may feel upset or stressed about going to another vet who they don’t know at a location which is unfamiliar to them, especially in an emergency. When your customers call the vet practice out of hours, it is normally because they are deeply concerned about their animal. They are likely to be upset and stressed, so adding a new location to the mix is only going to make their stress levels more significant.

This can be made worse if the call is automatically redirected to the other practice without warning, as the customer may be confused about why they are not speaking to their normal vet practice. Or they may end up driving to the wrong location. Likewise, if you have a voice message that tells them to hang up and redial a different number, it is likely to add more delay and stress to their emergency.

By having a dedicated out-of-hours answering service such as ours, you can give your customer a less stressful experience. We are real people based in the UK, Cornwall to be exact, and we can reassure your customers and act as an intermediary between your customers and the covering emergency practice. This gives your customers a sense of confidence as we can answer the phone as your practice and explain the process to them while liaising with the emergency vet practice.

We can also provide this service for vet practices who are teaming up with other local practices, as we can provide cover to the whole group of practices as required. This means your customers always have a smooth process for getting in touch with a vet out of hours.

Covering out-of-hours care in-house

Traditionally, out-of-hours care has been covered through a rota of veterinary staff from the vet practice. This could include waking nights, such as in the case of in-patient care, or sharing an emergency out-of-hours mobile for customers to contact the vet directly.
This approach can work well for your customers, as they feel safe in the knowledge that when they call out of hours, they will get you directly. However, it can have a huge impact on staff wellbeing, increasing work stress and fatigue, which can have a knock-on effect on customer care and staff retention.

This is where we can help. At Kernow Vets Messaging, we provide out-of-hours phone cover for your vet practice. Allowing us to provide phone cover helps to reduce the impact of out-of-hours calls on vets, which in turn can improve their work-life balance and reduce their stress levels.

We can filter out unnecessary calls and collect all the relevant information. Then we can contact the vet covering the night shift directly to discuss the information. This gives the vet a chance to wake themselves up and be prepared before dealing with the emergency client. This improves customer service and reduces the stress placed on the vet. Customers also benefit as we can answer their call quickly and reassure them of the out-of-hours process while collecting the information to pass to the vet.

How do we ensure we have clear processes for your out-of-hours cover?

When we begin work with a new veterinary practice, we take the time to design robust escalation processes to ensure that your customers get the help they need.

As we are a dedicated veterinary call answering service, we can provide high levels of care to your customers. By combining this expertise with your escalation processes, we can effectively triage your customers so that the most urgent get seen rapidly. All of our team are well versed in veterinary call management and as a business we have over 30 years of experience in the industry.

This is what one client had to say: “Your staff filtering the calls using the agreed call-flow menu helps reduce the number of non-urgent or routine calls that would take up valuable time of the clinical out-of-hours teams trying to prioritise inpatients and urgent referrals only.”

To find out more about how we can help you provide first-class out-of-hours care for your vet practice, get in touch.

Meet the Team, Jim: Courier Supervisor

Meet the Team, Jim: Courier Supervisor


James, or Jim, or Sir Jim will do…


Courier Supervisor.

What do you want to be when you grow up? 


Favourite Book?

The Lord of the Rings.

Where’s the best place you’ve travelled?

Probably the Alps, the scenery was amazing.

What’s your secret party trick? 

I can hide multiple mini mince pies upon my person and I also have the ability to put at least 4 Cream Eggs in my mouth at once! (DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME).

What would you take with you to a desert Island?

A Sat phone, a kilo bar of Dairy Milk, and the complete works of Terry Pratchett.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Pasty. Because it’s just easy.

If you could choose any superpower?

 I’d choose invisibility!

Charity Support Announcement

Charity Support Announcement

This year Kernow Vets Messaging are proud to be supporting Streetvet as our chosen charity. With homelessness becoming a growing problem in the UK, the StreetVet team are more important than ever before. An increasing number of homeless people have dogs, and the health and wellbeing of their canine companions is often a major priority for their owners.

However, life on the streets can make it difficult to access the fundamental vet care required to ensure the health and vitality these dogs deserve. Simba, a 9-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback was involved in a car accident last year. He suffered severe fractures to his pelvis, which could have been life threatening due to his size and age. StreetVet worked with Towcester Vets to provide the surgery Simba urgently needed.

Simba’s owner was incredibly grateful and helped Simba buy a lovely bunch of flowers to say Thank You to Peterborough StreetVet volunteers Kerry and Jodie. Simba has recovered enough to begin a course of hydrotherapy to start gently strengthening his hind leg muscles. The Peterborough StreetVet team will continue to provide ongoing support as Simba recuperates.

StreetVet are a registered practice with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and have been established by a dedicated team of professional vets and veterinary nurses to bring that essential care to homeless people and their dogs across the capital. Together the StreetVet team take their experience out onto the streets of ever-expanding locations, seeking out people; their dogs living rough, and delivering care and support required to ensure their combined wellbeing.

Combined with the critical support of a host of renowned organisations backing their team of qualified professionals, StreetVet is changing the future for homeless dogs who may otherwise have to go without the care they need and deserve.

Kernow Vets Messaging will be taking time throughout the year to support the StreetVet mission by fundraising and providing support to their team to raise awareness of the charity.

How You Can Support StreetVet

You can find out more information about StreetVet here.

Make a donation here.

Follow them on Facebook here.

Christmas Cover

Give your vets the break they deserve this Christmas

Kernow Vets Messaging can be here to give your vets that little bit of breathing space, filtering out any non-emergency calls and allowing them time to prepare before responding, because who wants to answer a call about paying a bill in the middle of Christmas dinner?

Get in touch today to book your Christmas cover: 

☎️ 01209 823 100

Thank You Veterinary Receptionists

Today is Veterinary Receptionist Appreciation Day.

We just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to all of you, the incredible front of house staff in vet practices, who are the unsung heroes of the Veterinary world. Without you, the practices could not do their amazing work caring for our animals.

You’re all amazing 

An Open Letter from Anthony Caddy, MD.

An open letter from Anthony Caddy, MD. 

Together, we have faced a truly extraordinary situation, the global Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of our lives, personally and professionally. At Kernow Vets Messaging, we consider ourselves as one team with your practice and take our role in supporting you very seriously. We have endeavored to be your one constant in this crazy period. To achieve this Kernow has been focused on three key areas:

1. Committing to the support of your practice and success in planning and forecasting for this unprecedented situation. 
2. Taking proactive measures to protect and support our employees and their families. 
3. A continued focus on customer service and business continuity.

To hit these targets we have had to adjust our key operating procedures, and we thank you all for your continued support and understanding whilst these adjustments were made: 

1. The creation of a new operating system, allowing us to move from our existing system to a wholly digital way of working, allowing our staff to work remotely for the first time. This gave us greater flexibility, allowing your business to keep up with staffing changes and closures throughout the period. 
2. The implementation of a home working policy for our staff, meaning those who needed to shield to protect themselves and their families could do so whilst still being able to work. 
3. A training plan for all staff on the new system and continual training in call handling and customer service providing business continuity for your practice. 

This crisis has affected us all in unexpected ways, however, we cannot deny that some of the effects have created positive outcomes. Our new system has streamlined and improved our service and our home working option gives us greater cover and flexibility for the times you need us most. Whilst the future may be much different than we expected, Kernow hopes to keep improving and innovating to bring you the best possible service. We are here 24 hours a day,  365 days a year,  whenever you need us. 

Thank you for your support and loyalty at this time. 

Anthony Caddy & The Kernow Team.