Charity Support Announcement

This year Kernow Vets Messaging are proud to be supporting Streetvet as our chosen charity. With homelessness becoming a growing problem in the UK, the StreetVet team are more important than ever before. An increasing number of homeless people have dogs, and the health and wellbeing of their canine companions is often a major priority for their owners.
However, life on the streets can make it difficult to access the fundamental vet care required to ensure the health and vitality these dogs deserve. Simba, a 9-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback was involved in a car accident last year. He suffered severe fractures to his pelvis, which could have been life threatening due to his size and age. StreetVet worked with Towcester Vets to provide the surgery Simba urgently needed.
Simba’s owner was incredibly grateful and helped Simba buy a lovely bunch of flowers to say Thank You to Peterborough StreetVet volunteers Kerry and Jodie. Simba has recovered enough to begin a course of hydrotherapy to start gently strengthening his hind leg muscles. The Peterborough StreetVet team will continue to provide ongoing support as Simba recuperates.

StreetVet are a registered practice with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and have been established by a dedicated team of professional vets and veterinary nurses to bring that essential care to homeless people and their dogs across the capital. Together the StreetVet team take their experience out onto the streets of ever-expanding locations, seeking out people; their dogs living rough, and delivering care and support required to ensure their combined wellbeing.
Combined with the critical support of a host of renowned organisations backing their team of qualified professionals, StreetVet is changing the future for homeless dogs who may otherwise have to go without the care they need and deserve.
Kernow Vets Messaging will be taking time throughout the year to support the StreetVet mission by fundraising and providing support to their team to raise awareness of the charity.
How You Can Support StreetVet
You can find out more information about StreetVet here.
Make a donation here.
Follow them on Facebook here.